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Updated 6/12/24


You'll receive periodic Quarantine Reports from Mail Assure with a list of emails that it found suspicious. You can view individual messages in a safe, plain-text view by clicking on "View Message" on the right, under "Actions".


You can safely see the content of the email in plain-text view to examine the message. 

If Mail Assure accidentally marks a message as spam, click on Actions to view the menu: 


Clicking on "Actions" in the top right corner gives you 5 options:

  • Release - This will release this email from quarantine to your inbox only.

  • Release and Train - Releases the email from quarantine to your inbox, and trains the spam filter to not block this sender in the future.

  • Blocklist Sender - Blocks the sender's emails, regardless of status

  • Allow List Sender - Adds the sender to whitelist, regardless of status (only use this if you use "Release and Train" first, and emails are still getting quarantined)

  • Remove - Removes the message from the server only.

In most situations, you should only need to use "Release and Train" to keep their emails from going to quarantine, or "Blocklist Sender" if you want to completely block them from sending to your email.

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